How to remove a stain from your Persian carpet

The above question is one that all too many of us only ask ourselves once a stain has actually occurred – at which point, we are furiously looking up instructions that we may be liable to misinterpret, with potentially devastating consequences for our carpet’s condition.

This is why we offer our own Persian carpet cleaning service here at Sharafi & Co – out of recognition that the cleaning of a Persian or oriental rug is not, and should not, be the same as that of a ‘normal’ mass-market rug.

However, if you do find yourself in an emergency situation having spilt liquid on or otherwise stained your valuable Persian carpet, the below information should be helpful to you.

Don’t panic if your rug suffers a stain or spill

Like any other kind of carpet or rug, a Persian carpet can be susceptible to spills or staining at times. The good news is that it is not normally difficult to clean a Persian rug if you know what to do, with the vast majority of spills able to be removed with no staining.

Nonetheless, it is important to have the basic essentials to hand when you do need to remove a stain, which will likely include cold water, a washcloth and gentle, non-perfumed soaps, or a neutral pH detergent. You should also remember to blot dry moisture between each phase of the cleaning process, as well as – if necessary – dry the affected area with a hair dryer or fan as quickly as possible.

We would suggest that you have a stain remover kit containing the above items readily available in case of any unexpected spills. If a spill does occur, you should act promptly, as the longer a stain remains in your Persian rug’s fabric, the more difficult it will be to remove it. Any excess liquid should be absorbed with a clean, white, absorbent cloth, towel or paper towel, and you should always work from the stain’s outside edge towards its centre to prevent it from spreading.

Talk to us about our Persian carpet cleaning service

If you wish to be sure of your oriental rug being cleaned in the most professional manner that does not cause unwanted damage, there’s only one thing for it – to contact Sharafi & Co today about our renowned Persian carpet cleaning service.

As longstanding experts in Persian rug cleaning and restoration, we will take every step necessary to clean your carpet thoroughly while also protecting your investment.


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