Antique Bakhtiari Gabbeh Rug 218x152cm

Attractive antique Bakhtiari Gabbeh Rug


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Attractive antique Bakhtiari Gabbeh rug. Gabbeh is a coarsely knotted rug with a fleshy pile and many more wefts in between the rows of knots. Traditionally Gabbehs are not woven to be sold but to be used in the tribal household. Therefore the softest and finest quality wool is used for it. Sometimes it is used as a mattress, and the softest ones may even be used as blankets. In weaving Gabbehs; the weaver feels quite free to improvise and experiment in both colour and design. Bakhtiari Gabbehs have a unique weave and are different from the other types of Gabbeh. The multi-coloured diamond motifs in the ground and medallion give this piece a certain charm. Spandrels are usually a quarter of the medallion design, but they are totally different in this piece. The piece is brought alive with a beautiful cream border.

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