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Persian Rug Cleaning London

When it comes to cleaning handmade Persian rugs, it’s crucial to understand the unique nature of each rug. Persian rugs come in a wide range of styles, wool qualities, and dyes, making it essential for the cleaners to possess extensive knowledge about them. A thorough understanding of the rug’s dye quality is essential. It’s crucial […]

How To Remove Wax From Carpets

If you accidentally spill candle wax on your carpet, don’t worry – there’s a way to remove it without causing damage. Start by gently scraping off as much of the wax as possible without harming the fibers of the carpet. Then, take a clean absorbent cloth or a kitchen towel and place it over the […]

Ultimate Rug Guide On Our Website

The purchase of a handmade rug can be a challenging decision, as it entails several elements.  Our website was created with the aim of providing our clients with the necessary information to make an informed decision.  We have opted for a minimalist design that prioritizes ease of navigation and searchability. Our search function is both […]

Why Are Persian Rugs So Expensive?

I see this question come up time and again; when in reality, the question should be ‘why are Persian rugs worth so much?’ After all, the record price paid for a 17th Century Persian carpet through Sotheby’s in New York stands at $33.8m (£26.2m). The prevalent art of weaving rugs can be traced back well […]

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