Jan 2022 Newsletter

PRODUCTION AND ANTIQUE GOODS Following years of Mid-century Modern and minimalism, high-end interior designers are leading the way to exciting new styles. At Sharafi & Co it is a necessity that we anticipate such trends; not only for our Persian rug production lines but also in the vintage and antique Persian rugs that we purchase. It […]

Top Tips to Buying Handmade Rugs

Top Tips to Buying Handmade Rugs Purchasing the perfect Persian antique or vintage rug demands time and attention. You have to choose a design that suits your style. Your choice doesn’t have to cost the moon. But it must match your vision, compliment the rest of your interior design scheme and help to put together […]


M349 Zeigler 657x268cm

The Important Factors For An Antique Rug Theoretically, an antique rug is over a hundred years old. Yet, it would also have to have other key attributes to make it a valuable antique. The introduction of chemical dyes around the 1925s is an important milestone in rug production. Chemical dyes gradually crept into most areas […]

How To Remove Stains From a Persian Carpet

Not all rug stains can be removed by just washing. Sometimes, stains like wine or coffee need special treatment. This is specialist work that takes a lot of patience, as usually, stains have to be removed layer by layer, so the wool is not damaged. A specialist will know what intensity of solution to use […]

Why Are Persian Rugs So Expensive?

I see this question come up time and again; when in reality, the question should be ‘why are Persian rugs worth so much?’ After all, the record price paid for a 17th Century Persian carpet through Sotheby’s in New York stands at $33.8m (£26.2m). The prevalent art of weaving rugs can be traced back well […]

A guide to buying antique Oriental rugs and care

Freuds Couch

A Persian rug is never out of style, be it adorning the palatial homes of Henry VIII or draped on one of the most iconic pieces of furniture in the world, Freud’s couch. A Persian rug or runner readily blends into contemporary spaces bringing character to modern city living, while a grand large Persian rug sits easily in a room […]

Covid 19 And Its Effects On Rug Production in Iran

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Iran is one of the countries that the Covid19 (Corona) virus is spreading rapidly. The prevention of the spread of the Virus is not helped by the misleading coverage of the national media. However, a significant number of people have taken matters into their own hands by setting up roadblocks to the entrance of towns, […]


The News is all about Coronavirus and Iran is one of the countries with rapidly spreading, Corona Virus or Covid19. There are a lot of myths about this disease, which feeds on people’s lack of information and legitimate worries. The Virus itself can be transmitted quite easily if you are in close contact with an […]

5 celebrity admirers of oriental rugs

Sigmund Freuds Couch

While handmade oriental rugs are by no means items that one requires celebrity validation in order to proudly own, it is nonetheless intriguing to know more about the many famous owners of Persian and oriental rugs, including their purchasing and ownership experiences. Some of the carpet-related stories of the below-celebrated figures make for very interesting reading indeed. […]

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