Discover Antique Iranian Rugs and Vintage Carpets in London

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SP18 Antique Bijar Carpet 570x236cm


DOB1 Vintage Agra Carpet 540x251cm


H235 Vintage Round Nain 246x246cm


2015 Vintage Tiemeh Rug 163x106cm


11526 Vintage Bijar Rug 164x111cm


9725 Vintage Bakhtiar Rug 151x110cm


2013 Vintage Teimeh Rug 160x106cm


11529 Vintage Bijar Rug 157x106cm


7359 Vintage Afshar Rug 158x99cm


11523 Vintage Bijar Rug 162x107cm


831 Vintage Qum Rug 204x137cm

Original price was: £1,500.00.Current price is: £1,200.00.

13224 Mashreq Gabbeh Rug 245x170cm


13233 Antique Mahal Carpet 316x223cm


13223 Mashreq Gabbeh 243x178cm


13316 Retro Chic Runner 300x81cm

Original price was: £370.00.Current price is: £290.00.

13305 Retro Chic Carpet 385x290cm

Original price was: £2,300.00.Current price is: £1,600.00.

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